1/2 C. Sugar
1 C. Magic Mix
2-3 T. Cocoa (optional)
2 C. Water
1 t. Vanilla
Combine Magic Mix, sugar and cocoa in saucepan and mix well. Add water, stir over medium heat until pudding bubbles. Add vanilla and beat. (*note* you won't refridgerate this like you would if you were making the pudding, just go straight to the next step after adding the vanilla)
Add 1/2 C. milk (1-1/2 T. Powdered Milk + 1/2 C. Water) to pudding and stir.
Pour into ice cube trays with toothpicks or little dixie cups with spoons. The best way to get the toothpicks to stay put while you're freezing is to cover the ice cube trays with aluminum foil and then stick the toothpicks in, as picture below.

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